Catrine School Photographs Page Eleven:

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All rows are named from back row to front row from left to right.

Les Henderson

Many thanks to Les Henderson for sending me these 3 photos and also a Miss Scott's class picture I have put into page 4. In the front row in the middle here is my eldest nephew Jim Steele

Les Henderson
Chris McLaren

Many thanks to Chris McLaren for sending me these next two pictures. This picture has her in it and the one on the right has her sister Elizabeth in it.

Left to right.
Back row: Miss Scott, ?, William Little, Rickie Logan, Mathew Wotherspoon, Sam Dick, Rene Leitch, Andrew Fowler. 

Second row: ?, ?, Davy Bates, Madge Templeton, ?, Gwen Duncan, Billy Wilson, Michael Turnbull, Billy Rankin. 

Third row: Christeen McLaren, Alice McKinnon, ?, ?, Margaret Herbertson, Susan Sadler, Sheena Fowler, ?,  /Bell, Nesta Wilson. 

Front Row: Jim McIntyre, Frankie Reynolds, Hugh Davies, Neil Anderson.

Elizabeth McLaren

Back row: Tommy Brown, Ian Brown, Billy Black, ?, Graham Welsh, Bobby Paterson, John Gilmore, Michael Ewing, Teacher Mrs.Wightman.

Middle row: Netta Meikle, Francis McCrae, Mattie Edelberg, Janette Rodgers, Moira Gillies, Mary Cree, ?, Audrey McGowan.

Front row: Moira Anderson, Iris Boyle, Margaret Kyle, Janet Fulton, ?, Elizabeth McLaren, Netta McIlvanie. 






Jim Bunting

Back row: Andrew McIntyre, Jim Symington, Tommy Stewart, Sam Peden, Henry Hopson, Bert Reid, Jimmy Kyle, Jack McDonald, Bobby Fowler, Mr. Ritchie. Second row: Tommy Haining, Ewan White, Eleanor Fowler, Barbara McClure, Lillian Gardner, Ella Thomson, Elsie Black, Anne Caruthers, Esther Dick, Greta Russell, John Houston, Thomson Boyle. Third row: Betty Robertson, Jane McDowell, Jean Byrne, Margaret Bell, Mary Harrison, Anna Speirs, Margaret Harrison, Cathline McDonald, Anne White, Florance Phimister, Doris Ewing. Front row: Mathew Templeton, Billy Mckay, Alex McEwan, Jim Stirling, Archie Ferguson, Willie Fowler, Campbell McAusland, Jack Kennedy, Jim Bunting.


Robert Paterson 

Back row: Mr McGill (teacher), Hugh Corrigan, Hugh Nicol, George Anderson, Robin Stevenson, Inglis Thomson, Robert Paterson, George Harvey, Alex Leitch, Bruce Moncur, George Gardner. Second row: Tommy ?,  Mattie Cree, Ina Speirs, Betty Buchanan, Margaret, Paterson, Ella Borland, Wilma Gorman, Mattie Nisbet, Andrew Gemmell. Third row: Jean McCluckie, Flora Miller, Margaret Corrigan, Helen Steele, Mattie Corrigan (Hugh's sister), Jean McPhee, Sadie Fisher, Jean Oliphant. Front row: Jim Nicol, John McAtee, Douglas Hood, Marvin Nesbit, Robert Campbell, Jim Richmond, Roger Niven.

We think this photograph was taken about 1952/3


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