Comments: The web site looks great Rab. I am particularly interested in seeing Frances McCrae's family information as my Grandfather was a great friend of Dr McCrae. He was a very gentle and sympathetic Doctor - very important when dealing with a young patient. My memories are also of Dr Alan, who was perhaps, more robust in his manner when dealing with young patients. One of the old school, as they used to say!
Comments: I saw Dr. McCrae reference and wanted to know if anyone knows me or remembers me. I lived in Mauchline Rd. I had an aunty Molly, uncle Sam, and an aunty Lizzie who had kids,her married name was Dunlop,sons name Jimmy. Does anyone know of this?
Admin reply: Of course we remember you Esther. You are in 4 different school pictures I have. One on page 2 and 2 on page 3 that Margaret Cairns sent me. Just noticed you are also in one on page 4 which has Francesca Haliday, Nicola Benedetti's mother on the front row on the right. Your Aunt Molly and uncle Sam and Sadie were always good company in the local club and Jimmy Dunlop was our next door neighbour in Shawlands street for many years. Rab.
Added: June 18, 2013
Submitted by Name: Frances Atkins ( nee McCrae ) From: Bradford, West Yorkshire E-mail:
Comments: I have really enjoyed reading your site. This is the only way I have found to contact you. My father was Dr McCrae and he died 17th July 2012 aged 96. He joins my sister Wendy who died 9th May, 2002 and my mother, Eileen who died 20th July, 2006.
Dad will I'm sure be remembered by many of the 'older' residents of Catrine. There is so much of his story to tell but no space here. He was a GP in Catrine for 40years and during that time was honoured by the Queen with a CBE .
I have looked through all the school photos and see my brother Iain who has been in New Zealand for the last 40 years and sister Madeleine who lives in Fenwick.
How do I send any photos which may be of interest ?
Admin reply: If you want to send any pictures you can contact me anytime by emailing
Added: May 12, 2013
Submitted by Name: Cindy Torbett Ray From: Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A E-mail:
Comments: I was looking thru you guestbook and noticed an entry from another former Teen Missions member in 1978. I was at the old Daldorch estate in the summer of 1981 and loved that old house. On my free time I would walk across the bridge to a local fish and chips eatery. Loved my time in Scotland and wish I had done my family history before I was there at the age of 18. I am now 50 and my family names are Kelso,(Tarbet to Torbett), Wallace, Neil, Carolton, McDonald (no Campbells yet), at this point. The Torbett/Tarbet family came from Kilmarnoch. I would love to come back to Scotland to spend some time...who know maybe I will get a chance to return to Catrine. Would love that. Thanks for the web site and the fond memory of younger days and travel to your wonderful part of the world.
Comments: Hi Rab Been a surprise to look at old school pic 1954/55 how time has moved on visited Catrine a couple of times since leaving but is good to remember old faces
Added: April 5, 2013
Submitted by Name: Jackie From: Liverpool
Comments: Hi Rab
just found your web site. It really is wonderful. My nan was born in catrine in 1925. Her name was Isabella cummings . Her brother was born in catrine too in 1921. His name was Andrew cummings. Their mum also Isabella moved to Liverpool around 1934-1935 with her new husband barnacle. My family and i are just learning about our family in Scotland and we are all fascinated by the wonderful people we have found so far. unfortunately my nans mum Isabella barnacle (cummings)died in 1944 aged just 42 while my nan was just 19. So we never got to meet her.
Don't know if there are any cummings out there still in catrine
Comments: Hi Rab, some great old photos. I am sure one of the Findlay Girls is my Gran, Agnes "Nessie" McMurtrie". I have never seen this photo but she looks just like my Mum Elsie in the photo (2nd from left). Also it was great to see my aunt Morag in the Southsiders photo and I think the guitarist you don't know the name of looks awfly like my uncle Billy "Tibby" Hamilton. Keep up the good work, love looking at these old photos.
Comments: Hi Rab, ItÂ’s been a while since I was in here and the site is even better than before. I finally found a school photo of my wife Joyce and it was a challenge for the Grandkids to pick her out. Keep up the good work Rab & Hi to you all in Catrine.
Admin reply: Last time I heard from you Tommy you were saying the weather where you are was getting a bit too hot. We are all freezing here at the moment and wishing it would warm up. Hope you and the family are all well. Rab.
Comments: My dad James Templeton from Auchinleck told me to look for a photo of his auntie Ria on her on her hundred birthday. I found it on here. My dads mother was Annie Caddis Stewart Smerthem Templeton, Ria' sister. Do you have anymore photos?
Name: esther fowler
From: shildon co durham
i love reading your page i would be so happy if anyone who new me or family would get in touch love your pages rab