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Regarding the Birnieknowe, St. Patrick's 1919 team photo.

My Grandfather, John Devlin, is the goal keeper (back row, in white). I have a copy of this photo as well. I don't know the names of any of the other players, but I do have the names of the * * * in my notes. Anyone who is interested should email me.

Thanks for maintaining the site.


Added: February 25, 2018
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Hi, my ggg grandfather James Quail was born in Catrine in 1803, he joined the 74th at foot Scottish regiment and ended up marrying in Canada. His son Charles Quail merchant marriner sailed to Australia, married and here we are all still in Aus. James (John as we know him) was the son of Thomas Quail and Neilson Pirrie. I wondered if there are any relatives still living in the area.

Admin reply: I myself don't recognise the names Quail or Pirrie. But maybe someone else will. I will enquire with the older locals to see if they know anyone of that name.

Added: February 23, 2018
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very interesting information.I stayed at the Burns Arms Hotel,now demolished,
in the mid 50's,with my aunt and uncle, attending Cumnock Academy.
I have couple of photos of Etta Brady,landlady,and some staff outside the hotel.Happy to send them [to?] for putting on your site.

Admin reply: Please do send me these photos Stewart. I would be happy to post them on my site.

Added: October 23, 2017
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Hi everyone i done a house clearance in the east end of London and came across a photograph of St PATRICKS SCHOOL Team dated 1919 Birnieknown.The photo as two * * * eleven pupils and one man in suit.Photo is 8 inch by 6 inch on board 10 and half inch by 9 quarter inch.On the back of the photo it says Robert McCarroll 44 Heathfield Road Auchinleck Ayrshire Scotland.If any one is interested in photo i will send it to you as it is your history and i fought it would be of interest to you.If you would like to see a photo i will get my daughter to send it to you.Thankyou Its free

Admin reply: I managed to trace the grandson of Robert McCarroll through face book and his mother is still alive and she has confirmed that it is her father in the photo. His name is Kevin Moran and he would love to have the picture. We don't seem to be getting to you by this email address though Mark.

Added: July 26, 2017
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Hi Rab,
I've really enjoyed your website. Brought a wee tear tae ma ee when I saw the photos of our Dave and Billy. The photo entitled, "Ballochmyle workers enjoying a day at the shore", I'm certain that my mum, dad and auntie Maggie are in it. If no its helluva like them. Even more so when I downloaded it, the file name is xalfy.jpeg. Good to see photos of my cousins, William and Hughie Fowler and yersel, Geordie Bell,Tony and wee Tam (Tykes). I was shocked and saddened when I heard of Tam's passing. I found out via the online Cumnock Chronicle obituaries.
Hope you keep well, and keep up the good work.


Ted Bates :)

Admin reply: Been busy as usual at this time of the year making raspberry jam of all things. Meant to get back to you Ted. I can't remember who sent me the Ballochmyle picts but of course it is your mum and dad and aunt. Hope you are all doing well ( in spite of the weather) We have some precious memories of your parents and Billy and Dave. They new how to make us laugh.

Added: May 13, 2017
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Hello Rab,

I found your fascinating page while looking up Catrine as my late father grew up in your village.

His father Archibald Simpson and brother Robert Simpson are remembered on your war memorial. My father was James Miekle Simpson and I think he was given his second name in memory of the soldier of that name on the monument.

I know that my father visited cousins who still lived in the village but although I used to write to him there I cannot remember their name.

I am sure I will visit your site again.

Thank you for an Interesting visit.


Added: July 2, 2016
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I have had to change my webspace provider so hopefully everything will get fixed over the next week. If anyone has any problems with the site please leave a message here or email me.

Admin reply: Just checking the guset book is working.

Added: June 10, 2016
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Wonderful site. Accessible and friendly with a wealth of gems. I am researching my great grandfather William Stevens, (C1866). So most references are a bit late for me but fascinating none the less.

Added: March 8, 2016
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I had a friend in the RSF who, I think, came from Catrine or Sorn. His name was Archie Mcfadyen. Are there any McFadyens still in the area?
If you are interested I have a picture or two of him during the Army days.

Added: February 22, 2016
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Hello Rab,

My 2X Great Grandfather was John Lyle, a Catrine labourer who died in 1909 at the Catrine expo farm (?) from an accident with a horse pulling a hay rake.
His son (my Great grandfather), George Haining Lyle came to Pennsylvania in 1882 as a Carnegie steelworker.
I am hoping to find relatives and photographs of John, George, and other 1880 - 1900 Lyle family members from Catrine to share with my Dad. He turned 95 last September and tells stories of Catrine told to him by his grandfather (George Haining Lyle).
Jonathan Lyle

Added: January 23, 2016
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