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Hi there Rab,I was interested to see your entry for Alex Kidd the blacksmith.Was there a second blacksmith shop in Catrine? They one I remember when I was wee was in Wood Street,just round the corner from Joe Mutti's chip shop;I used to watch the smithy work there in the mid 1940s.I have just joined facebook and found some old school friends and some good new friends in the village.I left there in 1959 to work in London as a polisman.I have been retired now for 26 years.

Added: September 6, 2013
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Hi Rab

My Grandparents George Gibb was born in Sorn and Amelia Hutchison his wife was born in Galston. I have a photo copied sheet of poetry which is headed "Lines, composed by Robert Gibb, Junior, Catrine". Unfortunately I do not have a date when it was published or where it came from, although it was with my mothers paperwork and sadly she has passed away. It appears that the poetry was written whilst he was confined to bed awaiting the inevitable. Robert Gibb seems to be a popular name as I can see at least 4 possible Robert Gibb's in my family tree. I was wondering if someone might have any knowledge about any poems by this fellow?

Added: September 2, 2013
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Hi Rab - you and Tony never did call in to sample that special bottle of red wine - feel free when you take the notion.
Anyway re the school photo on page 1 [maisie neilson's class] this should fill some of the blanks
row 1 jim mcdowall,david cairns,harry gorman,george caldwell,jim buck,eric clark,tom cowan, ?caldwell,sandy wilson,alistair kerr
row 2 ?welch,charlotte lyle,evelyn stobo,margaret wilson,fiona chisholm,effie poole,betty weir,margaret mckie,sheila pullar,wendy mccrae
row 3 margaret urquhart,jacqueline armitage,??,ann clark,moira sears,? mcneil,florence kerr,essie peden,mary little,? whyte,nancy kyle,elsie ferguson,? halliday
row 4 Tony Cano,Robert Fulton,connel irvine,benny clark and bill steele.

Should be able to fill in the remaning blanks in due course.
Keep up the good work.

Added: August 31, 2013
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first of all I would like to say its been great reading all the entries about Catrine. My mum was born in Scotland my nan was Catherine McColl. I have been trying to do my family tree so would love any info anyone has about the McColl family. Sadly my mum passed away 2006 her name was Martha born 1935. Any information would be fantastic. Also as im here does anyone know Thomas Jackson my dad he passed away 1970 age 37. As both parents and grandparents are deceased its hard to find anything out. thankyou so much .

Added: August 14, 2013
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Hi Rab just to let you know that it is my father with the bolar hat on the Broons lorry and he was well none as Larry in many of the pubs in Catrine and we lived in the creasent then moved up to gordon st then in 1964 I moved down here if you ever come across a photo of the stone of destiny I would like very much to see it as I am pulling it and the one we had has gone missing I think that the Cumnock chronical took the photo anyway your doing a great job
All the best

Added: August 4, 2013
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My name is Nancy born in Glasgow now living in Toronto.
My Granny Kerr lived in Drongan. Once on holiday I had toothache and we went up to Dr McCrae and he took the tooth out for me never felt a thing he was ever so gentle he said when you go out you will see a shooting star and we did. I have never forgot his name and today I came across your site and here was his picture what a nice surprise. Loved your site keep up the good work. Best wishes. Nancy. :)

Added: August 1, 2013
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My wife and I will be visiting the third week in August. Catrine is where my Grandfather, William McKenzie Hind was Born He was one of eight children whose parents also were from the area...married in Catrine - Robert Hind & Mary McKenzie.

I am excited to visit my family homeland. They came to the US in 1890's.

Can't wait th visit Catrine and fulfill a dream I have had for a long time.

Thank for the great website.

Added: July 30, 2013
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i love reading your page i would be so happy if anyone who new me or family would get in touch love your pages rab

Added: July 1, 2013
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The web site looks great Rab. I am particularly interested in seeing Frances McCrae's family information as my Grandfather was a great friend of Dr McCrae. He was a very gentle and sympathetic Doctor - very important when dealing with a young patient. My memories are also of Dr Alan, who was perhaps, more robust in his manner when dealing with young patients. One of the old school, as they used to say!

Added: June 23, 2013
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I saw Dr. McCrae reference and wanted to know if anyone knows me or remembers me. I lived in Mauchline Rd. I had an aunty Molly, uncle Sam, and an aunty Lizzie who had kids,her married name was Dunlop,sons name Jimmy. Does anyone know of this?

Admin reply: Of course we remember you Esther. You are in 4 different school pictures I have. One on page 2 and 2 on page 3 that Margaret Cairns sent me. Just noticed you are also in one on page 4 which has Francesca Haliday, Nicola Benedetti's mother on the front row on the right. Your Aunt Molly and uncle Sam and Sadie were always good company in the local club and Jimmy Dunlop was our next door neighbour in Shawlands street for many years.

Added: June 18, 2013
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