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Ive never come across your site before. Enjoyed looking at the photos

Added: June 26, 2012
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great site - nice to hear the good side of the old Coturn. keep up the good work. born n bred in catrine . x ;)

Added: June 15, 2012
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hi Rab,just thought i would give your site one of my frequent visits,twice in ten tears isnae bad,site is still lookin good and hope you are well

Added: May 31, 2012
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Hi Rab. We left adelaide and went up through the centre of OZ to Alice Springs the made our way up to Darwin, after a few weeks in the Northern Territory we headed west to Western Australia, We traveled through the outback and over to Broom, we stayed in Broom for 3 months, we loved it there.After that down the coast to Perth, stayed there 2 months, then down to the bottom of western Aust.to Esperance. across to the Eastern states to the Queensland/NSW border, down the coast to Sydney, and then back to Adelaide.We were away for a year and traveled around 35 thousand kilometers. great trip. PS we are heading up through Queensland in july going up to Cairns and then down the coast to Sydney we will be away for 3 months

Added: April 25, 2012
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HI Rab your new site is well done, it's nice to hear comments from ex Catrine people around the world keep up the good work. Jim

Admin reply: Hi Jim, How many miles did you clock up on your round trip? I was envying your experience. :!cool: Maybe you're not home yet. :p

Added: April 8, 2012
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My old guestbook from Lycos was discontinued but all the old entries are saved. Just click the above link to see all the Older Guestbook entries. This is my new guestbook. Please let me know if you have any difficulty using it. I have allowed email addresses to be shown as some people like to make contact through the guestbook with other people who may know them or have some information to share about old friends, family trees etc'
Of course there is no requirement for an email address. You only need to enter it if you wish to communicate with others who can access this guestbook. All private entries will only be accessed by myself and I will not share your contact details with anyone.

Admin reply: I am trialing this questbook in an open manner to see how effective the antispam methods are. Sometimes they simply discourage people from using it. I have kept them as simple as possible so hopefully I won't need to remove them and go back to having to approve every entry before it is shown. Thank you for your continued support.
Rab. :!cool:

Added: March 30, 2012
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Great site.
My Grandfather Tam Elliott was the janitor at Catrine school and my mother Jemima Elliott was a local singer. I was dux of Catrine Primary [I believe the first girl dux] and I have a lovely gold heart dux medal.

Added: March 21, 2012
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Brilliant new site Rab. Keep up the good work. Your photographs of the village and surrounding area are great.

Added: March 16, 2012
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Was looking at your web page as my father was originally from Catrine. You can imagine my surprise and delight to see a picture of my dad amongst your photographs .He is standing 3rd from the left with his arms folded. He left Catrine to join the army, married my mum and lived in London for many years. Moved back to Ayr and died in 1986. Thank you again for bringing back lovely memories of a really nice dad.

Admin reply: I have since had contact from your Daughter and now have named your dad in the photo of Ayrbank.Thanks again for your interest.

Added: February 4, 2012
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Hi Rab, Just browsing your great site again and can see so much has been added. We left Catrine in 1960.I am doing a family tree for our wee Grandson and have discovered that my Great Grandfather on Mum’s side came to Catrine from Northampton--don't quite know why. They owned a shoe factory in Northampton, They live don St Cuthbert's Street until Mum and Dad married and then moved to Shawlands Street. My Grandmother was Elsie Langley. I remember that our neighbours were the Stirlings, Mary Marion and a brother whom I can't remember the name of. My parents fostered Marion when their parents died until Mary came back from India. Then it was the Elliots, Peggy and Brusher and their family. It would be good to know if anyone is still there. Can I thank you for all your work on the site; you have given so much information to so many people. I hope you keep up the good work. It is very interesting.

Admin reply: This guestbook entry and all entries made before this Guestbook entry, are available by clicking the older guestbook entries link at the top of the page. :!cool: :D ;)

Added: February 1, 2012
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